UFO Memo.Documents
1953 Scientific Advisory Panel on UFOs Declassification.
1953 Scientific Advisory Panel on UFOs Letter #2
1953 Scientific Advisory Panel on UFOs Letter #3
1953 Scientific Advisory Panel on UFOs Letter #4
Acknowledge receipt of your letter
Budapest UFO Sightings by Niece
Catherine Carter Golden - Brazillian unidentified flying objects.
DCD Case - UFO Research
Foreign Intelligence Report - UFO Phenomena
Guy Hottel Memo
Information Report - (Redacted)
Internal Memo - DCI has received letter from Leon Davidson
Internal Memo - Dr Leon Davidson is on our backs again
Internal Memo - Dr. Page this letter should quiet down the furor which Davidson has raised
Internal Memo - Film UFOs Fact or Fancy
Internal Memo - Ignore Davidsons letter
Internal Memo - Leon Davidson met in person.
Internal Memo - Leon Davidsons Latest Articles
Internal Memo - Major Tecker - Leon Davidson continues to inquire about UFOs.
Internal Memo - Memo informing Dr. Alvares to forward Davidsons requests to Air Force.
Internal Memo - Memo informing Dr. Page to reply to Davidsons Requests by forwarding to Air Force.
Internal Memo - Memo informing of UFO info requests made by Leon Davidson
Internal Memo - Received letter from Davidson asking if tape had been examined.
Internal Memo - Refer Flying Saucer Letter Leon Davidson
Internal Memo - Requests for information made by man named Leon Davidson
Internal Memo - Source seeks guidence from CIA UFO Experts.
Internal Memo - Verifying reponse to Davidsons letter
Internal Memo - Wright Patterson holding their breaths waiting for advice.
Letter forwarding letters from Major Keyhoe & Leon Davidson.
Letter in reponse to UFO info request. We do not take an active interest in UFO picture
Letter to ( Leon Davidson ) in repsonse to request for UFO information.
Letter to ( Major Donald Keyhoe NICAP ) in repsonse to request for UFO information.
Letter to ( Major Keyhoe ) - USAF is only government agency qualified to speak on UFOs
Letter to ( Sam ) in response to request for UFO information
Military - Air Scientific - Aeronautics
Mr. Davison, as to the nature of the recording.
No Record of Davidson in Executive Registry
UFO Research / ORD Request for additional information.

  This Day In UFO History

    (07/24/1952) - Carson Sink UFO Case
        2 US Airforce colonels flying a B-25 spot 3 objects in a V formation at high altitude. The report is one of the "unexplained" case in Project Bluebook.


Random Facts


         "In my official status, I cannot comment on ET contact. However, personally, I can assure you, we are not alone."

    ( Charles J. Camarda Ph.D./ Astronaut )

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