N M C C THE NATIONAL MILITARY COMMAND CENTER Washington DC 20301 30 July 1976 0545 EDT MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD Subject: Reports of Unidentified Flying Object (UFOs) 1. At approximately 0345 EDT, the ANMCC called to indicate they had received several reports of UFO's in the vicinity of Fort Richie. The following events summarize the reports (times are approximate). a. 0130 - Civilians reported a UFO sighting near Mt. Airy Md. This information was obtained via a call from the National Auronautics Board (?) to Fort Richie Military Police. b. 0255 - Two seperate patrols from Site R reported sighting 3 oblong objects with a reddish tint, moving east to west. Personnel were located at seperate locations on top of the mountain at Site R. c. 0300 - Desk Sgt at Site R went to the top of the Site R mountain and observed a UFO over the ammo storage area at 100-200 yards altitude. d. 0345 - An Army Police Sgt on the way to work at Site R reported sighting a UFO in the vicinity of Site R. 2. ANMCC was requested to have each indivisual write a statement on the sightings. One individual stated the object was about the size of a 2 1/2 ton truck. 3. Based on a JCS memorandum, subject: Temperature Inversion Analysis, dated 13 November 1975, the NMCC contacted the Air Force Global Weather Central. The Duty Officer, LTC OVERBY, reported that the Dulles International Airport observations showed two temperature investions existed at the time of the ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Reports of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) alleged sightings. The first extended from the surface to 1,000 feet absolute and the second existed between 27,000 and 30,000 feet, absolute. He also said the atmosphere between 12,000 and 20,000 feet was heavily saturated with moisture. A hard copy message will follow. (Signature) L.J LEBLANC, Jr Brigadier General, USMC Deputy Director for Operations, NMCC DISTRIBUTION J-30 J-31 J-32 J-33 DDO ADDO CCOC WHEM Desk ASD/PA Rep